Frequently Asked Questions

How does DPC work?

Direct Primary Care is a membership model for medicine, structured similarly to how you might pay for a monthly gym membership. Most primary care needs can be delivered directly for an affordable monthly fee. Additional services such as labs, imaging, and medications can be arranged for addition fees or the orders may be placed so you can chose to use your regular insurance instead. This gives additional flexibility to meet your medical needs.

Do you accept insurance?

No, we do not accept any insurance. See above.

Specialty services, advanced procedures and imaging may be arranged either directly through local specialists or you may elect to have a referral placed to utilize your current insurance. VFM does not accept any insurance, and we encourage all people that enroll to maintain a separate health insurance policy to help cover these and emergency services.

Do I still need insurance?

It is recommended that everyone has at least a basic policy to cover emergency services and those specialty services outside the scope of primary care.

Do you accept Medicare?

Yes we accept Medicare and Medicare eligible patients under the normal membership rules and pricing. Please contact us for more details.

Do you accept Medicaid?

We do not accept any form of insurance. We are happy to have people currently covered under a WA state Medicaid plan join the practice under our normal membership rules.

Do you accept HSA/HRA/FSA accounts?

This is an area of changing policy, for the best answer please consult with your employer or accountant to discuss the specifics of your situation.

Additional questions not answered here?

Please contact us directly and we will be happy to answer additional questions and discuss if this practice is right for you.